Business Services

Our business services are only a small part of what we do.

Most accounting firms focus themselves on promoting their services as the solution to your business problems.

What makes Conqa different is that we know the true solution is how our services are custom bundled. We design this customisation after we get to know your business, what it needs and your personal goals. So our business services aren’t actually on offer as they’re really not the solution you’re searching for.

For example, Bookkeeping is a great service, however if it isn’t done right you’ve a failed service from the beginning. When bundled with business structuring and tax planning you have the solution to a problem. That problem would most likely be ‘paying too much tax and always getting late fees due to late payment’

Every one of our clients is different in their business requirements and situation.

An Example Of How Our Business Services Help

One client came to us for help, for his own privacy we will call him Robert. He was always feeling poor even though he was making great money. When we looked into his financials we noticed he had not been putting away his GST or income tax. He had been over paying himself personally and his business was always a cause for stress. And he had a turnover in excess of $300k!

Our Solution was to start with some simple business advice and a business restructure. Once that was complete we empowered his bookkeeper. We set up monthly budgeting, optimised his profits and then taught him the numbers. Also we found that his previous accountant had been reactionary in nature. Regularly giving him loans from his business in order for him to avoid immediate income tax! This put him in debt to his company for a large some of money. He now has a small payment plan to pay it all off.

Today Robert has been able to step back far away enough from his business. Far enough to see where he was going wrong. To recognise the bottlenecks and systemise the things which he shouldn’t be doing. He even pivoted some of his offering to better help his clients. And has more time for his family. He lives with, in his own words, 80% less stress than what he used to.

Its All About Success

You see at Conqa Business we really do want you to Conqa Business. We want you to be in control of your business and not let it be in control of you! However a business is like a machine, the best way to control it is to know how it works intimately.

According to The eMyth Revisited, there are many different moving parts to your business machine. Getting to know each one the best you can is an important step. That especially includes understanding the finances and the numbers!

Feel free to read more about our services on the pages supplied.