Your Business Tax Return And The Associated Services

Your Business Tax Return, Business Activity Statements and Financial Statements

Every year each business lodges their Business Tax Return. These returns are constantly giving the ATO more than they should be getting from small business. These are submitted along with Business Activity Statements every 3 months to back them up. Its a complicated system.

Business Activity Statements (BAS’s) are required to be completed and lodged to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). This is required every month or quarter for businesses who have an annual projected sales turnover of more than $75,000.

A BAS reports a business’ GST, PAYGW & PAYG Instalments, along with a few other more specific tax obligations.

As a BAS has a lodgment and payment due date, lodging a BAS is usually not the problem for a lot of new clients that start working with us. However, what we do notice is that many of our new clients struggle to pay their BAS obligations on time.

If you become a Conqa client, we ensure your BAS’s are lodged on time, we also help you pay them.

Check out our Cash Flow section for more information on how you can increase your cash flow.

Business Tax Returns & Your Financial Statements:

It depends on what your attitude is with regards to Tax, however, we all know that tax is just a necessary part of life and business.

So long as you are only paying your share and not a dollar more, then tax and any other associated obligations should not be a concern for you at all.

As you are well aware, tax returns are required to be lodged every year. And any associated tax needs to be paid to the ATO by a certain due date.

At Conqa, we have many clean and safe tax saving strategies and plans. We use these for all of our business clients, no matter what their turnover or their industry is.

Preparation and lodgement of your BAS’s, Tax Returns and Financial statements is all inclusive within our “Small Business Accounting” Solutions.

Sometimes it helps to deal with a different face, seek a fresh perspective. It’s great to enjoy the opportunity of speaking to someone new. Everyone needs a safe place to voice concerns and weigh priorities. I’d like this meeting to be like that for you: honest, pleasant and productive.

Limited Numbers Keeps Quality High

As I stated in my introductions, my client list is relatively small as I don’t want to stretch myself thin and I prefer to work with people I trust and am comfortable with. Most people feel the same.

In an area like business accountancy, you need to see past the skills and wins. You need to see the person. I’d like to see you too. This is our chance. Competency does matter, but a competent accountant who you don’t trust is a troubling recipe. Nothing good comes from that.

Yes, I’ve become known for my abilities and the way I do the work I love. I’m a business development and taxation specialist. I have a reputation for effectiveness and genuine care. Also I’ve developed a successful “Onward Scoping Program” and published a well received eBusiness guide.

But none of that means anything if you don’t feel comfortable sitting with me.

Potentially, the Conqa Tax Check could be your opportunity to see how good a fit we could be.

It’s my opportunity too.

If you are interested in learning about how I can help you and your business, please get in touch